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Filling Level

NIVOSWITCH Vibrating fork level detector

NIVOSWITCHVibrating fork level detector

Vibrating fork level detector

NIVOSWITCH is used for level detection, overfill protection, leak detection or dry run protection of pumps. It is suitable for most liquids such as lime milk, solvents, oil, wine, etc. These detectors apply the principle of the tuning fork vibrating at a predetermined resonance under piezoelectric excitation. When in contact with the product, the frequency varies and causes the output relay to switch. This simple and robust measurement system NIVOSWITCH, operates independently of the chemical and physical properties of the liquid. It works in difficult operating conditions as it is not affected by conductivity, clogging, turbulences, flows and air bubbles. The sensor does not require any adjustment even with the change of liquid, or maintenance; It is supplied with one or two contact outputs.

  • Compact models for liquids
  • 1 or 2 changeover contacts
  • Continuous auto-diagnostic
  • Unaffected by liquid properties
  • Unaffected by turbulences
Manufactured part numbers open, use the search ctrl + F
513100, RFM-500-0 513150, RFM-501-0
513300, CM69AC 513303, CM69DC
513350, CM125AC 513353, CM125DC
NIVOSTOP SS2 520802, SS2 / W2
520805, SS2 / W5 520808, SS2 / W10
52830, SS2 / WA2 520834, SS2 / WA5
520837, SS2 / WA10 520840, SS2 / WH2
520845, SS2 / WH5 520846, SS2 / WH10
520810, SS2 / KW5 520815, SS2 / KW10
520832, SS2 / KWA2 520835, SS2 / KWA5 TPK
520838, SS2 / KWA10 TPK 520844, SS2 / KWH5 PVC
520847, SS2 / KWH10 520705, NIVOSTOP C-5
520710, NIVOSTOP C-10 520720, NIVOSTOP C-20
521510, NIVOSTOP PR2-EX-10 521520, NIVOSTOP PR2-EX-20
522700, NIVOSTOP ECO 10 522307, NIVOSTOP PR2-6-H05
522311, NIVOSTOP PR2-10-H05 522316, NIVOSTOP PR2-15-H05
522321, NIVOSTOP PR2-20-H05 523010, NIVOSTOP ACS-10
523020, NIVOSTOP ACS-20
526200, CNL-200 526250, CNL-250
526320, CNL-320 526450, CNL-450
527015, VAFLO 15 527020, VAFLO 20
527025, VAFLO 25 528100, SNR4-C /PVC
528200, SNR4-C /Inox 528210, SNR4-C /Inox
530200, ES2001 / 230 AC 530210, ES2001 / 115V AC
530220, ES2001 / 48V AC 530230, ES2001 / 24V AC
530252, ES2001 / 12V DC 530254, ES2001 / 24V DC